I find pagan coffee to be a very
conflicting situation for me. I love the idea of a bunch of pagans
showing up for coffee on Sunday and shooting the shit. I like to
hear about how the others are doing, even though we almost never talk
about our religions. The occasional reference is often enough. That we enjoy the same activities, have sympathy for similar causes, and can mutually (mostly anyhow there's always go to be a few bad folks) respect where each of us comes from job and resource wise is most of what I need in a community.
In truth, I find if someone starts
talking about their religious experience in any depth during coffee
meetup, I get uncomfortable. Part of me is always watching our
venue, and while it's no secret we're a pagan meetup and where we
meet is very relaxed, I worry about how public a space it is to talk
faith. I don't know what makes me worried. Am I worried that
someone else will be offended? Am I worried that we'll be judged?
Am I worried we'll look dumb to strangers? Why do I have this need
for privacy and a deep feeling of protectiveness over my faith? I
know I don't want to share what I think or experienced in a coffee
shop but I don't know why I feel that way.
When I share my faith in person, it's always in
the privacy of a home or living area and it's often intimate between
two or three people not a group of thirteen-ish people. There is a
background of my experience already understood as I understand those
three of so people's experiences. So when they talk about seeing
fairies, or about their preference for natural remedies or their
meditation I don't have a ton of follow up questions or corrections.
In pagan coffee meet up, I don't have
the luxury of all this complete understanding and when people speak
often times I feel the urge to correct or seek to clarify but I bite
down on it. I don't want to offend them or invalidate their
experience no matter how bonkers is sounded. Seriously, last week this guy went on a long rant about how depression can be cured with diet and exercise and how his medication made him into and I quote an "emotional zombie" and that it was just the stuff he would ask to take if "he ever wanted to go on a killing spree". And I'm sorry he had a bad experiences with medication and perhaps in his case they doctors were too quick to write a prescription, but what he just said about how depression is pretty much all in your head and lifestyle shows that he KNOWS NOTHING about depression. People sometimes feel down for no reason and yeah you can change that with vitamins and exercise or better yet a diet change. Doing this can benefit a depressed person too, but if you're in the throws of actual clinical depression, you need minimally counseling and you may need medication at least to help jump start you. As a person who has depression, social anxiety and a few other nervous disorders I can tell you it's not rational and it's not something more iron and b12 and some st john's wart will fix. Yes I am currently medication free and I struggle at least two or three times a week to keep balance and I have an amazing social support system between my family and my mate who work with me to keep my above water. I know the balance is very precarious. Of course this same guy took one b12 pill once ever and immediately felt very sleepy which he believes is because the b12 produced so much energy regeneration for him that he had to take a healing nap to aid the cell regeneration going on in his body. Perhaps I shouldn't let him rile me so with how he intersperses jung-ish gods, meditation, and holistic diet.
I figure the people there all feel I'm
a pagan newb because when asked about my faith I brush it off as an
eclectic pagan with ties to local gods and generally refuse to
elaborate. It's so odd to me that I can write down and post about my
experiences with my gods but if you want me to speak the words in
front of an actual group of real people watching me my throat closes
in anxiety. My face gets red and sweaty, I stammer and I can't hold
eye contact with anyone. I mean it can't be that I'm afraid to
share, because I do in perfect detail online, perhaps it's not being
able to control exactly every aspect of what I say, or maybe it's
just my social anxiety? I'm not verbose in the friendly large crowd
about begin things let alone religion.
Of course, in some ways I find pagan
group even more isolating because I don't see common ground in my
practice and their's---and of course my own silence makes it hard for
me to go out finding common ground.
A few weeks ago we had a new comer in
our group. She's moved back to Alabama from Alaska, where she was
part of a very active pagan community. She wanted to hear everyone's
variety of paganism and she wanted to really talk about magic and
faith. The group as a whole was not largely responsive to her
entreaties. I could see her deflate a little and head back into
herself some. She told us in the beginning that she wasn't sure how
often she'd be able to come down because of how far she had to
travel, but I feel like she probably won't come back based off of her
experience with us vs what she's seeking.
I felt bad for her and was annoyed with her at
the same time. We share the desire for a book group or a specific
course of say divination or aligning with nature or perhaps different
styles of spell crafting—though I think our styles are too
different to share a group of that kind. And I was annoyed because
she has that outgoing demanding personality that made me feel certain
that while she wouldn't be able to get that with us she would seek
until she had what she wanted. I'd still be sitting here with pagan
coffee group more or less never speaking, hoping that I'd get
comfortable and some magic force of will would make it so I was able
to connect with these people. It's true that as I get to know them
I feel like I could connect with some of them in meaningful
friendship levels—which is new in my adult life too-- but I don't
think we have enough in common for there ever to be a group ritual or
for there to be a study group reading the same book and I'm sorry
about that.
I've identified a new-ish woman in the
group who may practice with me, but I think we'd have to take turns
creating rituals in our respective paths style—which I'm good with
as a start, but I'd love to actually have community where we could
all be on the same page about what we are practicing and why we are
practicing instead of just bringing respectful presence to ritual.
I guess I should count myself lucky
that I have a pagan community and that they welcome me and that we
could even have the potential for respectful shared ritual space. It
all comes in time right? That of course doesn't make the wait any
less frustrating.